Add a status to the Tasks view
By default VOGSY has three statuses in its tasks workflow: To do, Doing, and Done. However, you can create as many substatuses for one or all of these main statuses, in order to facilitate your own task management process. For example, you can create a substatus called Test () and associate it with the Doing status ().
You must have the Support Staff role in order to create a new task status. |
When you view the tasks on the kanban-style Task view, they will be sorted by the three main statuses (), and the substatuses, if they exist, will appear on the task cards themselves (), sorted according to their associations. So the card with the Test substatus will appear in the Doing column.
It is possible to view the substatuses in their own column. For instance, if you create substatuses for your project tasks, go to the Task view and set the object filter () to Projects. The project tasks will be sorted into kanban-style columns based on their status in the task workflow, unless the task has a substatuses, in which case it will be sorted into the appropriate substatus column ().
Create a substatus
Go to the Task statuses master table.
By default the statuses for projects are displayed. If you want to create a substatus for a different VOGSY object type, click the Status for drop-down list and select it.
You can create substatuses for projects, opportunities, or organizations. -
Click to display the new substatus form.
Type the name of the substatus into the Name field and from the Mapped to status type drop-down list select one of the main statuses with which the substatus should be associated.
Click Save.