Create an expense
In VOGSY, an expense is money that was spent by an employee for a project. You can invoice the customer for these expenses under the following circumstances:
The expense is recorded against a Time and Materials deliverable.
The expense’s Expense type is billable.
The expense is approved.
To learn how to invoice a cost, which is money spent by the company for a project, see Add project costs to an invoice. |
To add a billable expense to an invoice, do the following:
Expenses on the side panel.
Click New expense to open the Create new expense form.
Select the date of the expense.
Select the currency of the expense.
The expense will be tracked and reimbursed in the employee’s currency, which is based on the employee’s company, and which might be different from the currency displayed in this field. -
Fill in the amount of the expense.
Select the expense type from Type of expenses drop-down list. The options are:
Equipment and software
Hospitality and entertainment
Hotels and accommodations
Meals, food and drink
Office and communications
If the expense type you selected is billable, the Project drop-down list will appear. Begin typing in the name of the project and select it when it appears in the search field.
The Deliverables drop-down will appear. Select the appropriate deliverable from the drop-down list.
Click Add Invoice/Receipt to add a copy of the receipt and any other relevant documents.
If the employee should be reimbursed for the expense, select the Reimburse checkbox.
Fill out the rest of the form. The Description field is optional.
Click Save. The expense record will be added to the Expense view and it will also be added to the Expense claims back office application for approval.
To access back office applications you must have the Support staff role.