Planning resources

The Planning Resources view displays the planned hours for every employee in your company.

The numbers displayed in the bars on the calendar view are the hours that have been planned for the day or the week.

resource planning cutout

Resource planning is interactive: if you want to change a resource’s hours:

  1. Find the resource (number one red circle sm) and tap their row to display their list of assigned deliverables and activities (number two red circle sm).

    Only employees who have allocated hours display on the resource planning page.
  2. Locate the activity whose hours you want to edit, and using, the cursor, move across the row until you locate the cell that corresponds to the week that contains the hours you want to edit.

  3. Tap the cell (number three red circle sm) and a form will display so that you can adjust the hours of that person for that day/week.

planning resources update hours

This way it is easy to swap resources and planned hours while remaining in the overview.

You can add columns of additional information via the cog Show extra data button. In the Week view, you can add rows of totals to be displayed above the planning.

Field descriptions

resource planning view

number one red circle sm

The calendar view can display by Weeks or by Days. The default view is Weeks.

number two red circle sm

Type of hours: Actuals and planned, Available, or Planned only.

number three red circle sm

To filter a particular resource, begin typing their name in this search field. The calendar view will change to show only selected resources hours.

number four red circle sm

This legend explains the meanings of the different colors used in the calendar view:

  • Dark green stripes means the hours have been approved.

  • Light green stripes means the hours have been submitted for approval.

  • Light red stripes means the hours are tentative, not set in stone.

  • Blue means the hours for that day are fully planned.

  • Red means the resource has too many hours planned.

  • Gray means the resource is not working that day.

  • A notched cell means some of the resource’s time has been booked for a potential project.

  • Light blue stripes means all of that day’s time has been booked for a potential project.

  • Thick yellow stripes mean the time has been added to an opportunity booking.

  • Thin yellow stripes mean the time has been added to a pending project.

  • Yellow means the project is planned to a new or in-progress project.

number five red circle sm

Displays data starting from the date of viewing. If you are viewing future planning, click this button to return to current planning.

number six red circle sm

Use this calendar selector to go to a specific day (if the calendar view is set to Days) or to the week that contains the day that you select (if the calendar view is set to Weeks). Click Today to return to the current day or week.

number seven red circle sm

Move the calendar view forward or backward. Click Today to return to the current day or week.

Another way to move forward or backward through the calendar is to click, hold, and drag to the left or right.

number eight red circle sm

Show or hide opportunity bookings.

number nine red circle sm

Displays the Filter resources form. You can filter by the following properties:

These filters apply to the resources listed in the resource planning, not the projects or activities where resources are planned.

number ten red circle sm

Selecting the cog Show extra data button presents you with additional viewing options.

Additional viewing options

Selecting the cog Show extra data button presents you with the following options:

  • Select columns

  • Select totals per week

Select columns

Selecting this option opens the Select columns form, where you can choose which special columns to display.

planning resources special columns

The purpose of each special column is as follows:

Name Purpose


Lists the date on which the resource will begin work on the deliverable.


Lists the date on which the resource will complete the work on the deliverable.


Lists the number of hours that have been assigned to the resource to complete the deliverable.

Hours spent

Lists the number of hours spent working on the deliverable so far, based on submitted time entries.

Hours in draft

Lists the number of remaining hours tentatively planned for this deliverable.


Lists the number of hours planned for this deliverable.

Hours to plan

Lists the allocated hours that remain to be planned. To plan these hours, click the calendar plus Hours left to plan button.

Select totals per week

This option only functions if you have selected the Weeks calendar view (number one red circle).

resource planning view additional calcs

Selecting this option opens the Select totals per week form, where you can choose to display the following additional calculations:

  • Working hours total. Displays the total amount of hours, both planned and actual, for the week.

  • Planned total. Displays the total amount of working hours planned for the week.

  • Actual total. Displays the total amount of hours already worked for the week.

View all planned hours

It is possible to view all planned hours for all resources on the Resource planning page by doing the following:

  1. Go to the Resource Planning page and Type of hours drop-down list (number two red circle sm) to Planned only.

    This feature is only available when viewing planned hours.
    resource planning view

    A new button (number eleven red circle sm) will appear beside the Filter resources button.

    all resources view 1
  2. Click the Expand all rows button (number eleven red circle sm) and the view will expand to display all of the company’s resources and their planned hours.

The resource view

resource planning view expanded

Click an employee (number one red circle) to display their resource view, which lists all of the employee’s allocated activities (number two red circle sm) and non-billable hours (number four red circle sm). Planned hours for each activity displays in the calendar view (number five red circle).

If an activity (number two red circle sm) has unplanned hours, you can use the calendar plus Generate planning entries button (number three red circle sm) to allocate those hours to the activity. VOGSY will also determine the finish date of the activity based on the remaining hours and the availability of the resource.

Another way to adjust hours is to click on an hours entry in the calendar view (number five red circle sm). A form will display where you can update the hours.

planning resources update hours

Viewing hard bookings and soft bookings

VOGSY displays both soft and hard bookings on the Resource Planning view.

In VOGSY, soft bookings are hours that are planned on a project that has the status of Opportunity pending. Because the opportunity has not yet been won, these hours are tentative and are usually based on anticipated workloads or prospective client engagements that haven’t yet been fully confirmed. However, they also provide insight into potential resource needs and allow for proactive planning.

In contrast, hard bookings are hours that are planned on a project that has a status of New or In progress. Hard bookings definitively allocate the resource to the specific project, ensuring that they are not double-booked or over-allocated during that period.

Square, dark blue cells (number one red circle sm) indicate the resource has hard-booked time for that week (or day, depending on how you are viewing the planning). To see the actual booking, click on the resource to reveal their resource view. This will display their planned hours. Cells with a dark blue top and bottom border (number two red circle sm) contain hard bookings.

hard bookings

Notched cells (number one red circle sm) indicate the resource has soft-booked time for that week (or day, depending on how you are viewing the planning).

To see the actual booking, click on the resource to reveal their resource view. This will display their planned hours. Cells with a light blue, dotted top and bottom border (number two red circle sm) contain soft bookings.

soft bookings