
explore projects

Running projects is what your business is all about, because projects generate revenue. VOGSY helps you organize your projects so they are efficient, methodical, informative, and repeatable.

VOGSY achieves this by designing the structure of the Project page around the work breakdown structure, which is a project management reference tool that divides the work of the project into manageable components. It creates a road map from objectives to outcomes. A project is divided up into deliverables from which all work-related activities and costs branch out and budgets are derived.

You can add labels to projects in order to organize and track them.


A project might employe one or more of the following currency types:

  • Base currency: This is the currency of the parent company. Unless otherwise set, this will be the currency used in the project. Viewing information in the base currency provides managers with a complete overview of the company’s financial health, making it easier to track the company’s performance worldwide.

  • Local currency: This is the currency of the company managing the project. When available it displays on the project page and in reports.

  • Invoicing currency: The currency that is configured when creating the project and that determines the currency to be used for invoicing. It is distinct from the base and local currencies and is used only to generate invoices.

Time approval

By default, time associated with a project is approved by the project manager; however, if you would prefer to include the client in your time approval flow, this is possible by selecting the Enable time entry approval by client checkbox on the Project settings page in the back office.

Field descriptions

project items explained
If the multicurrency feature has been activated, then all of the currency values in the calculations and margins will be displayed in the local currency of the company that is handling the project. If the multicurrency feature has not been activated, then all of the currency values will be displayed in the currency of the parent company.

number one red circle

The FOLLOW button. This button has two states:

  • FOLLOWING means you are currently receiving notifications when significant events occur for the project.

  • FOLLOW means you are not currently receiving notifications.

There are three ways to follow a project:

  • Click Follow. Anyone can do this.

  • Members of the project team are automatically made followers of the project.

  • Users who follow an organization will be made followers of the organization’s new projects. Here 'new' means all projects that are created after you begin following the organization.

number two red circle

The Action buttons allow you to do the following:

  • pencil Open the project’s configuration page for editing.

  • dots vertical Perform one of these additional actions:

    • Open the Project calendar.

    • Send planning notifications.

    • Create order confirmation.

    • Create draft invoice.

    • Create document from template.

    • Specify payment condition.

    • Show why project can’t be closed.

    • Copy to new opportunity.

number three red circle

Customer logo, contact avatar, and the avatars of the project team members.

number four red circle

Project status. You can set this on the project’s configuration page.

number five red circle

Weather symbol. The progress status of a project, which can change over time, is based on the state of its deliverables. As long as the schedule (run time), budget, and completion rate are in balance, the weather, and thus your project’s outlook, will be good. Deviations might indicate problems.

number six red circle

Project name and customer name, taken from the project’s configuration page. Click star outline to add the project to your Starred page.

number seven red circle

number eight red circle

The project’s expected revenue

number nine red circle

The amount that has been invoiced to the customer for the project.

number ten red circle

Margin data. Click the expander arrow2 expander arrow to view additional statistics and calculations.

number eleven red circle

Navigation bar. These buttons give you quick access to the project’s associated documents in Google Drive or Microsoft Sharepoint, to the project’s planning page, and the invoice summary page.

number twelve red circle

Milestones panel. Click the expander arrow2 expander arrow to view the timeline.

number thirteen red circle

Deliverables panel. See Deliverables to learn more.

Change the sorting order of a project’s deliverables

By default, deliverables are sorted in a project’s deliverable panel by creation date, but you can manually move a deliverable up or down in the sorting order. Any changes that you make to the sorting order will be reflected in the invoices and quotes that you generate from the project.

deliverables default sorting

To change the sorting order, do the following:

  1. Click the dots vertical of the deliverable that you want to move.The pop-up menu displays.

    deliverables move
  2. To move the deliverable up in the sorting order, select Move up. To move the deliverable down in the sorting order, select Move down. The deliverable will be re-positioned based on your selection.

    deliverables new sorting
    If the deliverable is the first item in the sorting order, then you will only have the option to move it down. Similarly, if the deliverable is last item in the sorting order, you will only have the option to move it up.