The Expenses report
Lists all expenses that have ever been recorded in VOGSY.
To see only expenses that have been submitted and still need to be approved, click the Unapproved expenses tab. Along with the expense you will find the name of the Approver.
The VOGSY data tab displays all expenses regardless of submission status; use this data to create your own reports.
Column descriptions
- Date
The date that the expense was submitted.
- Employee
The name of the employee who submitted the expense.
- Expense type
The category of expense to which this expense belongs.
- Description
An explanation of the expense.
- Sales tax type
The sales tax type that was chosen for this expense.
- Amount exclusive
The amount of the expense minus the sales tax.
- Amount inclusive
The amount of the expense including the sales tax.
- Reimburse
Indicates whether or not the expense should be reimbursed.
- Status
The current state of the expense in the reimbursement process.
- Approvers
The name(s) of the person or people responsible for approving the expense.
- Customer
The name of the customer to be invoiced for the expense.
- Project number
The ID number of the project for which the expense was incurred.
- Project
The name of the project for which the expense was incurred.
- Deliverable
The name of the deliverable for which the expense was incurred.
- Cost type
The category of cost that is linked to the project and for which the expense was incurred.
- Sales amount
Amount to be charged to the customer for the expense.
- Link to uploaded expense receipt
URL to the location of the receipt used to verify the expense claim.