How VOGSY determines billability

When you submit your time, VOGSY must determine the billability of those hours for the purposes of updating its billability charts (see Billability per month, Billability per employee, Project billabillity per department, and Billable vs. non billable hours).

While it is true that you can designate some activities as non-billable, such as sick leave or personal time off, there are situations when activities that are typically billable should instead be considered non-billable. For example, if you are working on an internal project for the benefit of your company, then the time that you dedicate to the project would be considered non-billable because there is no sales value associated with your activities.

The criteria that VOGSY uses to determine billability depends on the invoice method of the deliverable being worked on:

Time & Materials

If the activity (letter a) that you are working on has a sales rate value (letter b) greater than zero, then the hours that you dedicate to the activity are billable. These hours will be invoiced to the customer.

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Fixed Price

The hours that you dedicate to an activity for a fixed price deliverable are billable if the following criteria apply:

  • The deliverable (letter a) that you are working on has a fixed price value (letter b) greater than zero.

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  • If the time being submitted falls within the hours (letter b) allocated for the activity (letter a).

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    If the submitted time leads to an overage (more hours than were allocated), then the amount of hours over the allocated hours is considered non-billable. These non-billable hours will affect the profit margin for this deliverable.


The hours that you dedicate to an activity for a subscription deliverable are billable if the following criteria apply:

  • If the subscription deliverable (letter a) that you are working on has a subscription value (letter b) greater than zero.

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  • If the time being submitted falls within the hours (letter b) allocated for the activity (letter a).

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    If the submitted time leads to an overage (more hours than were allocated), then the amount of hours over the allocated hours is considered non-billable. These non-billable hours will affect the profit margin for this deliverable.

Other things to know about your billable time:

  • VOGSY doesn’t determine billability until time is submitted.

  • Updating any of the information mentioned above will not affect time that has already been submitted.

  • The Time entries report has a column for Hours and a column for Billable hours. The Hours column lists all hours submitted, both billable and non-billable; the Billable hours column only lists submitted hours that have been marked as billable.