The Financial KPIs report
This report lists the results of your KPI calculations. VOGSY uses the same data from this report to generate the Financial KPIs chart.
Column descriptions
- Order
The order depends on the order in which the KPIs are sorted in the KPI attributes back office master table.
- Budget opening balance
The result of calculations based on the entered budget amounts in the general ledger accounts linked to the KPI.
- Realization opening balance
The result of calculations based on the balance sheet amounts from last year’s general ledger accounts linked to the KPI.
- Budget cumulative opening balance
The sum of all of the previous Budget opening balance columns.
- Realization cumulative opening balance
The sum of all of the previous Realization opening balance columns.
For the whole year, from period 1 to period 12, the amounts in the columns are determined in the same way each period: