March - May 2024 release notes

This topic highlights the improvements and enhancements we have recently made so you can easily stay up to date about what is new with VOGSY.

Expand any project based on an opportunity

Until now it was only possible to expand projects that were associated with the customer or organization of the opportunity. Now you have the option to find any active project in VOGSY and to expand it with the deliverables generated from the opportunity.

This option might be useful, for instance, for large companies that tend to initiate opportunities, but later, after an opprtunity has been won, want to transfer ownership of the opportunity’s deliverables to the project of a child company.

Let VOGSY determine the finish date of any activity

When generating planned hours on the Resource planning page, you can now let VOGSY determine the finish date of the activity based on the remaining hours and the availability of the resource.


You can now change the sorting order of the deliverables that display beneath a project. These changes to the sorting order will also be reflected on any invoices or quotes that are generated from the project.

Billability charts

Some companies do not want to include billability data for their contractors on the billability charts. Therefore we have added the following filters:

  • All resources

  • Employees only

  • Contractors only

These new filters are available on the following charts:

Actual sales amount of fixed price deliverables

The actual sales amount of a fixed price deliverable is now calculated using the fixed price amount of the deliverable.

Cost rate changes

When the cost rate of an employee changes, the new cost rate is now used for forecasting future costs, which are determined by the employee’s planned hours. The new rate also affects the margin forecast of the related project(s).


You can now configure how many people must approve an expense. You can select from the following options:

  • No approval required

  • By one approver

  • By all approvers


It is now possible to sync the expected start and expected finish dates of an opportunity from HubSpot or Zoho, with the right configuration.

VOGSY boards

You can now pin a custom chart to a board that can be shared with your coworkers.

Expenses report

You can now filter the Expenses report to display data for a specific date period.

Expense details on the Project view

There is now an expenses section on a deliverable’s Budget drill-down panel that displays additional details about the expenses that are associated with the deliverable.

Employee holidays

You can now override an employee’s default holiday schedule, which is based on his department, and switch it to any holiday schedule that is available on the Holidays settings page.

Total hours, cost and sales rate averages

Projects now display Calculated, Actual, and Forecasted totals on the Margins drill-down panel, as well as the average sales rate and the average cost rate.

Expense types

You can now archive expense types that you no longer use. They will not be deleted and can be restored later, if you choose.

Draft invoice hours

When approved hours are added to a draft invoice, you can now adjust those hours by excluding all of them, or designating a portion of the hours to be carried over to the next invoice.

Invoice update

It is now possible to configure whether the XML file should be included when emailing a customer a PDF invoice.