Back Office

Start here to find answers to your questions about the options available to you in the back office.

To access back office applications you must have the Support staff role.

Backoffice applications

Back office app

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Create or edit an employee record. Use this page to set an employee’s user permissions in VOGSY.

Purchase invoices

Purchase invoices

Create and process (distribute costs) purchase invoices.

Draft invoices

Draft invoices

Manage (adjust and approve) draft invoices. You can also create draft invoices manually.

Projects opening balance

Projects opening balance

Use this page to set up your 'in flight projects' to show the actual costs and sales of your pre-VOGSY business.

Accounts payable

Accounts payable

Use this application to manually create account payable records.

Accounts receivable

Accounts receivable

Use this application to manually create account receivable records.

Expense claims

Verify expense claims

Use this application to review expense claims submitted by employees.

Create draft invoices

Generate bulk invoices

Use this application to create draft invoices for all the projects that have billable hours, billable cost, or billable periods. Will trigger an invoice run for all relevant projects.


See Reports.

Third party integrations

Master tables

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Create and manage activities.



Create and manage costs.



Create and manage financial KPIs.

KPI attributes

KPI attributes

Create and manage attributes for financial KPIs.

Ledger accounts

Ledger accounts

Create and manage ledgers.

Revenue types

Revenue types

Create and manage revenue types.

Sales tax types

Sales tax types

Create and manage VAT types.

Payment conditions

Payment conditions

Create and manage invoice payment conditions.

Expense types

Expense types

Create and manage expense types.

Opportunity types

Opportunity types

Create and manage opportunity types.



Create and manage sources, which are used to specify the origin of opportunities and organization leads.

Opportunity stages

Opportunity stages

Create and manage opportunity stages.



Create and manage currencies.



Create and manage industries.

Job roles

Job roles

Create and manage job roles.

Time off / Non-billable types

Time off / Non-billable types

Define a set of activities, such as holiday or sick leave, that is trackable but not chargeable to customers.

Template languages

Template languages

Create and manage languages that are available for creating invoice templates.



Create and manage skill sets.

Skill levels

Skill levels

Create and manage skill levels.



Create and manage job role experience levels.

Task statuses

Task statuses

Create and manage task statuses.


Back office settings

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Contains the configuration settings for your company’s journals and ledgers.

Project settings

Project settings

Use this page to configure the global settings that apply to all projects that you create in VOGSY.



Use this page to configure how VOGSY handles timesheets.

General settings

General settings

The settings on this page control some of the most basic configuration options for VOGSY.

Document management settings

Folder permissions

Use this page to configure the access permissions that VOGSY will use when creating folders in your document management system (Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive).

Back Office > Document templates

Document templates

Your document (quotes and invoices) templates are listed here.



Use this page to set up your organization’s companies and departments.



Set up or import holiday schedules per country.

Mail templates

Mail templates

Mail templates are used when VOGSY sends out quotes, project invoices, order confirmations and project evaluations. Here you can configure the texts of these mail templates.

Opportunity settings

Opportunity settings

Use these settings to configure the lead times for the different stages in the opportunity cycle.

Setup Assistant

Setup Assistant

VOGSY offers a setup assistant which leads you along the most important configuration options and gives you information which enables you to set up VOGSY so it runs smoothly for your organization.



Subscribe to VOGSY.

Back Office > Reset VOGSY


Removes all data except configuration data.

Back Office > Uninstall VOGSY

Uninstall VOGSY

Remove VOGSY and its associated files from your browser and document management system (Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive).

Drive folders

Drive folders

Use this page to create the folder structure for the documents that your store on your shared drive.

Expense settings

Expense settings

Use this page to designate who can verify expense claims.

Chart settings

Chart settings

Use this page to configure settings for each chart.